CARE Education Partners is a woman-led 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Chicago, IL. It was founded by a group of former teachers with nearly 50 years of combined experience working in large city public schools who have a passion for helping teachers and school leaders create safe and supportive cultures for themselves and their students. In addition to providing workshops for teachers across the city of Chicago, CARE partners directly with schools to provide professional development and coaching targeted at meeting the needs of the whole child.

Our Vision

We see schools as safe spaces where both students and teachers experience validation, belonging, and connectedness. In this environment, well-being is a priority, everyone’s needs are valued, and challenges are met with compassion, curiosity, and a focus on strengths. We envision school communities that support each of their members in realizing their full potential by honing their unique talents and skills to share with the world.  We believe the time is now to begin building the schools that every child and teacher deserves.

Our Mission

At CARE Education Partners we believe when the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual needs of teachers and students are met, communities thrive.  We build collaborative partnerships with teachers and school leaders to transform schools and classrooms into communities of care. To create and sustain these communities, adults and children work collectively to foster an inclusive school culture that promotes safety, connection, regulation, and empowerment. Our role is to support schools in aligning their vision and implementing sustainable practices that support their goals. We do this by providing schools with a comprehensive view of their current progress using our School Snapshot Service, strengthening knowledge and skills through school-based coaching and professional development, and translating cutting-edge research into actionable steps for teachers in our teacher workshops.

Core Values

The following core values guide our work with teachers and school leaders. We believe it is important that teachers embody these values in the classroom as well as instill these values in their students.